Wednesday, September 17, 2008

September 18, 2008

Day 2 of 2 working at Jon's house is now over. So today, we connected the wire from the main panel in the garage to a service disconnect behind the tea house. Then, made a second route over by the fireplace and installed a new panel there. Sorry, I don't have any pictures this time because I forgot my camera. New things I learned! 1) You can distinguish the ground wire from all the others because it is usually the smallest. And it is often left uncovered so it's more obvious (that is, when it is in an extra outside coating with other wires). 2) Square D is a brand of electrical equipment that is usually extremely overpriced, but has about the same quality as GE (General Electric). It's sort of like the Monster cable manufacturer...
3) According to the code, when bringing electricity to a new building, you can't go bring the wire out more than 15 feet from the source. 4) It is also against the code to tie the end of an extension cord and the end of a power tool's cord together (if the tool gets out of hand, they want it to be easy to remove power from it.

I've definitely learned a lot more than this, but I think that's all for now!

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